





There are a lot of reasons clients come for therapy, but regardless of the reason, therapy is about making your life better. Some clients come with clear goals while others are uncertain, and goal setting can be discussed during the first few sessions. In either event, taking the first step provides a starting point. It is normal to have some anxiety about taking this step just like any new endeavor; please feel reassurance that this begins the process of finding solutions to manage your life. As Pema Chodron says, “Its only too late if you don’t start now.”

The initial session takes an hour; during this time a thorough assessment is completed. This involves reviewing the questionnaire about your current life and any significant events from the past that influences the present. Completing the questionnaire provides a starting point to help the session begin. The three primary goals for this initial session are: 1. To help you feel comfortable beginning this process, 2. To get a clear picture of your life circumstances that need to be addressed, and 3. To answer any questions you may have.

Therapy is a relationship that is very much like a dance and each client brings their own steps to this dance. The steps to the dance are at times awkward and at other times graceful. But both are part of the process and with time the gracefulness emerges to reflect a sacred process of healing. The great thing about having thirty-plus years of experience is I've learned dozens and dozens of dances to accompany my clients. And for those who don't recognize the steps to their dance, therapy is a process of discovery. And in the end the hope is that each and every client can dance like no one is watching.

Take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with the website. It is designed to help you feel comfortable with this process, give you some idea of what to expect, as well as providing some background on my training and experience. A significant part of therapy involves helping you clarify what your problem is, what options are available to you, and your solution. Information on this website will help you begin that process.

Stillness is master of the deed.


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